This property, comprising two claims, is situated at the head of Paupo Creek, a tributary of Enterprise Creek. The property lies in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park.
An adit drive along the strike is in about 76 metres, and if continued for a few metres further would strike daylight on the other side of the ridge. An 18-metre raise has been driven 48 metres from the portal. From these workings some 15 tonnes of ore has been extracted; of this, 6 tonnes was shipped in 1904. A sample taken across a width of 10 centimetres at the face of the tunnel ran 2.74 grams per tonne gold, 634.3 grams per tonne silver and 1.5 per cent zinc. A sample across a width of 10 centimetres in a small stope near the end of the tunnel ran 0.69 gram per tonne gold, 2005 grams per tonne silver, and 1.5 per cent zinc. A grab sample from a 9-tonne pile of sorted ore for shipment ran 0.69 gram per tonne gold, 4063 grams per tonne silver, and 4 per cent zinc (Annual Report 1919, page 131).
Country rock is coarse-grained potassium feldspar porphyritic granite. The vein occupies a fault-fissure, striking north 10 degrees west which varies in width up to a metre. The hangingwall is well defined and marked by 15 centimetres of gouge-argillic alteration. Mineralization includes pyrite, sphalerite, and galena in a quartz gangue. Tetrahedrite and pyrargyrite have been reported. Quartz vein is banded, alternating white and grey quartz containing disseminated pyrite.
A grab sample of dump material taken in 1987 assayed 1750 grams per tonne silver, 1 gram per tonne gold, 0.03 per cent copper, 2.16 per cent lead and 36.5 per cent zinc (Open File 1988-11).