The California occurrence is located at 1600 metres elevation on the northwestern flank of Idaho Peak. New Denver, British Columbia lies 3.5 kilometres to the northwest.
The California (Lot 918) and Clipper (Lot 3997) Crown grants were worked intermittently from 1897 to 1907. There has been no record of further development on this occurrence although it was owned by California Clipper S.L. Mines Limited in 1935. Workings consisted of two crosscut adits from which drifts extend.
The California occurrence is composed of a quartz fissure vein with argentiferous galena. The vein width varies from 5 centimetres to over 30 centimetres width, crosscutting siliceous argillites and quartzites of the Triassic Slocan Group. The vein has a general strike of 075 degrees and dip of 75 degrees to the southeast.
A total of 308 tonnes of ore are recorded produced from the California occurrence. This ore yielded 906,839 grams of silver and 151,784 kilograms of lead.