The Umpire (L.7240) occurrence is located on a ridge separating the two major southern arms of La France Creek, approximately 9 kilometres east-northeast of the creek mouth on Kootenay Lake. The adit is located at an elevation of approximately 1740 metres.
The area is underlain by intensely folded limestone, dolomite, argillaceous schist and chloritic schist of the Upper Proterozoic Horsethief Creek Group. Argillite and quartzite units of the Middle Proterozoic Mount Nelson Formation (Purcell Supergroup) outcrop to the east.
The mineralization at the Umpire adit is not reported but is assumed to be similar to other polymetallic occurrences of the area, which consist of carbonate rocks and/or quartzites hosting galena and sphalerite with possible tetrahedrite and/or chalcopyrite mineralization.
In 1979, diamond drilling on the Sandy claims, located to the north east, yielded a maximum of 1.0 gram per tonne silver over 18.8 metres (drill hole SED 6; Assessment Report 8025). Assays were only reported for silver and gold.
In 1983, diamond drilling on the Trend claims, located to the north east, intersected minor blebs and streaks of pyrite with minor galena and tetrahedrite mineralization associated with quartz stringers, calcite and sericite hosted by dolomitic and/or siliceous limestones. No assays of the drill core were reported.
In the early 1900‘s, a 37-metre adit was driven on the Umpire Crown grant. The Ormonde (Lot 7239) and Umpire (Lot 7240) Crown grants were staked around the same time and are located to the east. A production of 45.35 tonnes of ore, yielding $111 per tonne at the time, is reported from the adit (Assessment Report 8640).
During 1975 through 1979, David Wiklund conducted programs of soil sampling and eight diamond drill holes, totalling 235.1 metres, on the area as the Sandy claims. Also during this time, programs of soil sampling were completed on the Tren claims, located immediately to north east. In 1980 and 1981, Norcan Energy Resources completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping, trenching and a ground electromagnetic survey on the area. In 1983, Sable Resources completed five diamond drill holes, totalling 313 metres, on the Trend claims. In 1990, Cominco completed a program of geological mapping and rock, soil and previous drill core sampling on the area. In 1995, Hunter Resources completed a program of prospecting and minor trenching on the area. In 2011, Teck Resources completed a program of geological mapping on the area as the Crawford property.