The Mogul-Alta (Purina shaft) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1880 metres, in the southeastern head waters of Coppery Creek.
The area is primarily underlain by siltstone, argillite and quartzite of the Creston Formation, while dolomitic carbonate rocks of the Kitchener Formation, both of the Middle Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup, outcrop to the east and west. Gabbro sills and dikes intrude the sediments.
Locally, four areas of mineralization (Purina, Alpo, Flea and Canis) have been identified in quartzites of the Creston Formation over a strike length of approximately 450 metres.
At the Purina shaft, quartzites host a 2.7 metre wide quartz-sulphide replacement zone. Mineralized consists of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and trace galena. The mineralization is oriented parallel to stratigraphy. In 1996, samples of dump material assayed up to 2.13 per cent copper, 27.6 grams per tonne silver and 0.17 per cent zinc, while chip samples taken across 2.7 metres averaged 0.66 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25392). A 1.0 metre chip sample of barren footwall schist assayed 0.78 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25392).
The Alpo occurrence is located at 2000 metres elevation and 120 metres vertically above the Purina shaft. It consists of fracture coating, disseminated and stringer chalcopyrite with in a quartzite over a width of 5.0 metres. In 1997, a sample (TTGD97R-25) assayed 14.6 grams per tonne silver and 1.16 per cent copper over 2.0 metres (Assessment Report 25392).
The Flea occurrence, located at an elevation of 1865 metres and a short distance below the Purina shaft, consists of disseminated chalcopyrite as fracture-fillings with in a pyritic quartzite. In 1997, a sample (CDGD97R-12) assayed 0.13 per cent copper (Assessment Report 25392).
The Canis occurrence, located 110 metres north east of the Purina shaft, consists of a iron oxide-silica replacement zone with copper mineralization. In 2013, chip samples yielded 0.21 per cent copper and 2.5 grams per tonne silver over 4.1 metres, while a grab sample assayed 0.97 per cent copper and 18.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 34632).
In the early 1900’s the Mogul (Lot 4940) and Alta (Lot 4941) Crown grants were staked. A short shaft, approximately 7 metres long, and a 30 metre long trench were completed at this time.
In 1986, Agincourt Explorations completed a program of rock sampling, geological mapping and underground surveys on the area.
In 1996 and 1997, programs of rock, silt and soil sampling was completed on the area as the GD claims.
In 2006, Eagle Plains Resources completed a 154.3 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the K9 property.
In 2009, a further 479.1 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey was completed.
In 2011, Bluefire Mining Corp. conducted 364.2 line-kilometres of geophysical surveys over the property containing the occurrence.
In 2013, a program of geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling was completed.