The Kokanee property is located near Crawford Bay, 50 kilometres east of Nelson.
Regionally, the area is underlain by sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic Lardeau, Hamill and Horsethief Creek Groups and some Cretaceous to Jurassic Granitic intrusions.
Locally, the property is underlain by three metasedimentary formations: the Paleo and/or Mesoproterozoic Tsuius schist, the Mid-Devonian Chase Formation calcareous quartzite and the Devonian-Carboniferous Silver Creek Formation quartz-feldspar-muscovite-biotite schist.
Graphite occurs as crystalline flakes up to 2 millimetres in diameter along cleavage planes in the quartz-muscovite schists.
In 2012, Noram Ventures Inc. completed geological mapping, sampling and a six-hole diamond drill program totaling 1376 metres. Highlights of this drill program include drillhole KD12-005, which assayed 1.77 per cent graphite over a length of 64 metres (true width of 54.3 metres) (Press Release, Noram Ventures Inc., February 26, 2013).
Prior to the 2012, exploration on the property was focused on lead, zinc and silver; for more information see Crystal Lake (MINFILE 082FNE129).