The Haggard occurrence is accessible by a paved road to Farleigh Lake, and by older logging roads in the north and south of the area.
The area is predominantly underlain by Middle Jurassic Okanagan batholith granodiorite intrusive rocks. These intrusive rocks are unconformably overlain by a succession of Eocene epiclastic sediments, pyroclastic rocks, and alkaline lavas of the Penticton Group White Lake and Marron formations.
A light buff, very finely grained quartzitic rock which megascopically resembles a quartzite, but is brecciated by thin fractures into angular fragments, is common in the northern map area close to the granitic and conglomeratic areas. Rust staining and reddish hematite staining were observed and are locally prevalent. A rock sample analysed 1995 ppm lead, 7.4 grams per tonne silver and 257 ppm zinc (Assessment Report 19401).
A rock sample from a reddish brown, dense, hard andesite (dacite?) dike shot with quartz that intrudes granitic rocks analysed 3077 ppm lead, 3.4 grams per tonne silver and 466 ppm zinc (Assessment Report 19401).
In 1989-92, Lossan Exploration Ltd. and Petro-Canada Resources conducted prospecting, reconnaissance geological mapping, stream sediment and rock geochemical sampling over the Haggard property claims.