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File Created: 18-Mar-2008 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  14-Apr-2008 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name D AND M Mining Division Osoyoos
BCGS Map 082E022
Status Showing NTS Map 082E04E
Latitude 049º 13' 45'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 39' 53'' Northing 5456364
Easting 306005
Commodities Copper Deposit Types M02 : Tholeiitic intrusion-hosted Ni-Cu
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Okanagan
Capsule Geology

Access to the D and M showing is from Cawston or Oliver via the Cawston-Fairview Road, a good all-weather two wheel drive gravel road. Several old logging and mining roads give access to various parts of the property. A British Columbia Hydro transmission line also passes through the property and an old road follows the transmission line.

The D and M showing area is mainly underlain by Jurassic Oliver Plutonic Complex massive, unfoliated, medium grained porphyritic biotite granite. Weakly foliated, equigranular hornblende granodiorite occurs along the southern border of the pluton. Carboniferous-Permian rocks of the Kobau Group may outcrop in the southern portion of the property. The Kobau Group consists of strongly foliated amphibolite, greenschist, quartzite, mica schist, greenstone and minor marble.

In 1995, M. Shewchuk discovered a dark green, coarse grained pyroxenite with strong pyrrhotite (up to 10 per cent) and weak chalcopyrite (up to 1 per cent) mineralization occurring along fractures and disseminated throughout the rock. Weakly anomalous platinum and palladium values (5-25 ppb) and weakly to moderately anomalous copper values (60-2590 ppm) occur with the mineralization (Assessment Report 24343).

In 1995, a work program consisted of taking four rock samples, establishing a small grid and carrying out a magnetic survey over the grid.

GSC MAP 15-1961; 1736A