The Manuel Creek zeolite property is located in the headwater area of Manuel Creek between 1160 and 1360 metres elevation, centred 7 kilometres northeast of Keremeos. Access to the property is 10 kilometres south of the Twin Lakes turnoff from Highway 3A via the Twin Lakes and Grand Oro roads.
Zeolite mineralization (clinoptilolite, 20 per cent) is found in abundance at several localities on a 5 kilometre long belt of Eocene dacitic crystal vitric tuff beds (the Manuel Creek tuff) in the Keremeos area of south-central British Columbia. The unit occurs between the Kitley Lake trachyandesite member (below) and the Keams Creek basaltic member (above) at mid-section in the Marron Formation in the southern part of the Penticton Tertiary outlier. These zeolitic beds range up to 10 metres thick and dip 15 to 30 degrees easterly. Geochemical results indicate that the quality of zeolite mineralization is comparable to other producing deposits in the Princeton and Cache Creek areas.
Work by owners/operators B.N. Church and F. Niddery consisted of prospecting, geology, mineralogy and geochemistry as part of a successful grant from the 2001 Prospectors Assistance Program. A geological and geochemical investigation of the Tom and Kitty legacy claims was completed in July, 2005 by B.N. Church and F. Niddery.