The Pictou (L.2524) occurrence is located at 1280 metres elevation on the east side of Rock Creek, 7.25 kilometres southeast of Baldy Mountain. The Cariboo-Amelia (MINFILE 082ESW020) occurrence of the historic Camp McKinney lies 2.75 kilometres to the southwest and Bridesville, British Columbia, lies 11.5 kilometres to the south.
The area lies in granitic and granodioritic rocks of the Cretaceous to Tertiary Okanagan Batholith. To the south lies the complex sequence of volcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Carboniferous to Permian Anarchist Group. To the north are Middle Jurassic granitic rocks of the Nelson Intrusions. Eocene Penticton Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks overlie locally sheared amphibolite and serpentinite bodies of the Anarchist Group to the east. For a more detailed description of the regional geology of the McKinney camp area refer to the Cariboo-Amelia occurrence (MINFILE 082ESW020).
Locally, a number of shear zones, exposed by former trenches and a shaft, are mineralized with galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite and sparse sphalerite. The shear zones strike approximately 040 degrees. In 1988, samples assayed up to 209.7 grams per tonne silver (Sample AU 3; Assessment Report 17236).
Little information could be found with respect to the early development and property work on the Pictou occurrence. By 1898, however, a considerable amount of work had been done with no significant findings (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1898, page 1118).
In 1985 and 1987, Goldwest Resources conducted programs of airborne electromagnetic and magnetometer surveys and soil sampling over the area. In 1988, J. Craney and G. Whatley conducted prospecting on the Chris 3-8 claims, which covered the Pictou occurrence. Several old adits, shafts and trenches were found. At least three old trenches were re-excavated and a new 6.1-metre wide shear zone was discovered approximately 183 metres north west of the old Pictou shaft. In 1998 and 1999, Big Blackfoot Resources completed programs of geological mapping, rock sampling and a ground magnetic survey on the area as the 97 Bev claim group.