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File Created: 28-Apr-1990 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name O.K. MARL (L.2193), OKANAGAN LIME, O.K. FALLS MARL Mining Division Osoyoos
BCGS Map 082E033
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082E05E
Latitude 049º 21' 13'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 35' 11'' Northing 5469984
Easting 312177
Commodities Marl Deposit Types B11 : Marl
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Okanagan
Capsule Geology

Marl occurs on Lot 2193, approximately 1 kilometre northwest of Okanagan Falls near the south end of Skaha Lake.

The O.K. Marl occurrence lies within the eastern part of the White Lake basin, a thick accumulation of Eocene Penticton Group volcanic rocks, interlayered with clastic sedimentary rocks which are largely of volcanic derivation. The Eocene rocks rest unconformably on Triassic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Independence, Old Tom and Shoemaker formations, and Jurassic granitic intrusions. The White Lake basin forms a topographic low and is truncated by early gravity faults. The units generally dip to the east and are folded and faulted. A marl deposit was found in Quaternary glaciofluvial clay overlying Penticton Group volcanics.

Okanagan Lime & Exploration Company mined an initial 946 tonnes of marl between 1948 and 1950. Popkum Marl Lime Products Ltd. operated the property briefly in the later half of 1950, producing 544 tonnes of marl. O.K. Marl Company Ltd. mined the deposit on an intermittent basis between 1952 and 1964 producing 4401 tonnes of marl.

EMPR Mineral Policy Production Files
GSC MAP 341A; 538A; 539A; 541A; *15-1961; 1736A; 2389
GSC MEM 38; 179
GSC OF 481; 637; 1505A; 1565; 1969
GSC P 37-21
EMPR PFD 507602