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File Created: 29-Jan-1988 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  30-Nov-1996 by Keith J. Mountjoy (KJM)

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BCGS Map 082E023
Status Showing NTS Map 082E04E
Latitude 049º 14' 27'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 34' 59'' Northing 5457440
Easting 311991
Commodities Uranium Deposit Types B08 : Surficial U
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Meyers Swamp uranium occurrence lies about 6.5 kilometres north-northwest of Oliver, British Columbia and 4 kilometres north of the former Standard mine (082ESW091). This occurrence lies near the southeast end of a 2.6-kilometre northwest trending area of erratic uranium occurrences. The property was examined and evaluated by D.G. Leighton for British Newfoundland Exploration Ltd. between 1977 and 1979. Six augerholes were drilled into unconsolidated sediments on the Meyers Swamp and eight augerholes drilled on the Meyers Flats.

Regionally, the area is principally underlain by medium grained intrusive rocks that form the Jurassic Oliver plutonic complex. To the immediate south, the complex cuts Carboniferous to Permian Kobau Group metasedimentary rocks. On its northern margin, the intrusive mass is in contact with Eocene volcanics and sediments of the Penticton Group. The Kettle River Formation, consisting of conglomerate, arkose and rhyolite tuff, is overlain by the Springbrook and Marron formations.

Bedrock types to the south of the Meyers Swamp showing include laminated quartz schist or dirty quartzite, massive and laminated quartzite and minor limestone of the Kobau Group. At the Meyers Swamp showing area, the Oliver plutonic complex is composed almost entirely of porphyritic biotite quartz monzonite intermixed with hornblende diorite. Three distinct phases have been identified. From youngest to oldest these are: a central core of massive medium-grained garnet-muscovite quartz monzonite which is surrounded by porphyritic biotite quartz monzonite to the south and biotite-hornblende quartz monzonite north of the core. Hornblende diorite occurs in several small areas to the north. Border phases and dikes related to the Oliver plutonic complex include lamprophyre, augite-plagioclase porphyritic andesite, micro-quartz diorite, albite porphyritic dacite, diabase, fine-grained quartz monzonite and aplite. Bedrock uranium mineralization consists of pegmatite accumulations, uraniferous limestone, uranium-pyrrhotite and fracture-hosted uranium (Assessment Report 7398).

Meyers Swamp contains 1.5 to 3 metres of uranium enriched organic material overlying sands. Except for small ash layers at the top of the sand zone, all uraniferous sections are very organic. The area of uranium accumulation measures 18,500 square metres (about 350 by 50 metres) with an average of 0.055 per cent uranium over 1.5 metres thickness. The highest uranium result is a 0.5-metre interval yielding 0.2968 per cent (Culbert, 1979). The average depth of this layer is 1.3 metres. The Meyers Swamp is a fluviatile type of young uranium deposit. Groundwater flow and organic sequestration are the primary depositional controls in this swamp. The Meyers Swamp deposit occurs where Victoria Creek passes under porous glacial sediments and resurfaces below a swamp. This rising water appears to oxidize and destroy organics at the underlying peat-sand interface, further concentrating uranium. The upwelling is diffuse, slow and apparently have sufficiently low salinity for adsorption-filtration to be effective at the organic boundary (Culbert and Leighton, 1988).

The nearby Meyers Flats, 2.6-kilometres to the north-northwest, contains an area of 66,000 square metres of uranium enrichment with a high of 0.024 per cent uranium over 0.5 metre (Culbert, 1979).

EMPR ASS RPT 6360, 6532, 6949, 7398, 7670
EMPR EXPL 1977-E22,E26; 1978-22,23,26; 1979-25
EMPR FIELDWORK 1977, pp. 7-13; 1978, pp. 12-15; 1983, pp. 17,246-259
EMPR MAP 29; 35 (Revised); 39
EMPR OF 1989-2, 1989-5; 1990-32
GSC MAP 341A; 538A; 539A; 541A; 15-1961; 1736A; 2389
GSC OF 481; *551; 637; 1505A; 1565; 1969
GSC P 77-1A, p. 31
CIM BULL Vol. 71, No. 783, May 1978, pp. 103-110
CJES *Vol. 21, May 1984, pp. 559-566
ECON GEOL Vol. 77, No. 5, 1982, pp. 1176-1209
*IAEA TECDOC 322 Surficial Uranium Deposits, Vienna, 1984, pp. 179-191
Bates, D.V., J.W. Murray and V. Raudsepp (1980): Royal Commission of Inquiry, Health and Environmental Protection, Uranium Mining; Commissioners' Report, October 30, 1980, Vol. 1, pp. 35-36, 183-184
*Culbert, R.R. (1979): Post-Glacial Uranium Concentration in South Central British Columbia, Royal Commission on Uranium Mining, Accession List #2109S01, 20 pages
Culbert, R.R. (1979): Uranium Equilibrium - Disequilibrium as Observed in the Natural Environment in British Columbia, Royal Commission on Uranium Mining, Accession List 2017S, 15 pages with Appendices
*Culbert, R.R. and D.G. Leighton (1988): Young Uranium; in Unconventional Uranium Deposits; Ore Geology Reviews Vol. 3, pp. 313-330