The Silver Star occurrence is located at approximately 700 metres elevation on the west side of the Similkameen River, approximately 2 kilometres north of Shoudy Creek.
Regionally, the area lies west of the contact between greenstone and quartzite of the Carboniferous to Permian Kobau Group and granodiorite of the Middle Jurassic Similkameen Batholith. To the north, the Similkameen Batholith has intruded andesitic greenstone of the Carboniferous to Triassic Old Tom Formation.
Locally, a shear-hosted quartz vein in granodiorite and/or syenite hosts galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite and tetrahedrite mineralization. Malachite staining is also reported.
In 1984, a 0.6-metre chip sample (84014) from a bull quartz vein exposed in the upper adit assayed 19.2 grams per tonne silver, while a select grab sample from a former sorting pile yielded 0.7 gram per tonne gold, 1404 grams per tonne silver, 0.900 per cent copper, 0.145 per cent lead, 0.200 per cent zinc and greater than 0.1 per cent antimony (Property File - unknown [1984-07-30]: Notes and Maps - Golden Valley Prospect and Silver Star Mine).
A total of 12 tonnes were mined during 1923 (11 tonnes) and 1926 (1 tonne), from which 11,539 grams of silver were recovered. The operator was F. Bowden for Cawston and Shipper Mining Company. Historical workings include several pits or trenches and at least one adit, located on the Leamington (L. 558S) Crown-granted claim, that extend approximately 2 kilometres in a north-south direction.