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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  15-Aug-1996 by Keith J. Mountjoy (KJM)

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Name SPIRE, MAC 1-2, PLEX 1-2 Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E044
Status Showing NTS Map 082E06W
Latitude 049º 27' 13'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 15' 28'' Northing 5480334
Easting 336372
Commodities Silver, Gold, Copper, Lead, Zinc, Molybdenum Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Okanagan
Capsule Geology

The Spire occurrence is located on the south side of Saunier Creek, 16 kilometres west of Beaverdell.

The occurrence is located on the Mac 1 and 2 claims, currently owned by E.W. Johnson. The claims were first staked as the Spire claims in the late 1970s by T.J. Fraser. Hand trenching was conducted on quartz veins carrying copper, molybdenum, silver and gold. Several other abandoned pits (circa 1930) have since been discovered. In 1977, the ground was staked as the Mac 1 and 2 claims by H.M. Jones and explored for uranium mineralization, based on anomalous uranium in water samples collected during a regional survey by the Geological Survey of Canada.

The Spire occurrence is underlain by granodiorite and granite of the Middle Jurassic Nelson intrusions. Minor chlorite and epidote alteration has occurred in these intrusions. To the east, small outliers of Eocene Penticton Group volcanics outcrop within Nelson intrusions. Volcanics consist of andesite and basalt flows and breccias. In places flows are vesicular and filled with zeolite amygdules. Minor sandstone, quartzite and limestone also occurs. The Nelson intrusions are in contact with the Cretaceous to Tertiary Okanagan batholith to the east.

Two mineralization style are present in the Spire intrusive hostrocks; mineralized polymetallic quartz veins and disseminated porphyry-style copper(+/-molybdenum) mineralization.

A new polymetallic quartz vein has been discovered at 1250 metres elevation, south of Saunier Creek. Hand trenching in 1990 has uncovered a 30 to 75 centimetre wide quartz vein which strikes 260 to 270 degrees and dips 60 to 70 degrees northwest. The veins has been traced intermittently over 30 metres. The footwall of the vein is faulted as evidenced by slickensides. A fault gouge also occurs along the hangingwall.

Little information has been found with respect to the vein mineralogy but samples taken from the vein have returned significant precious and base metals assay values. Sample 651, a grab sample with galena yielded 1.54 grams per tonne silver, 31.3 per cent lead and 0.24 per cent zinc. Another grab (Sample 654) yielded 3.0 grams per tonne silver, 0.44 per cent copper, 0.12 per cent lead and 1.45 per cent zinc. Sample 655, a 30-centimetre chip sample, yielded 43 grams per tonne silver and 1.67 per cent lead.

Eight-hundred metres to the west, copper-porphyry mineralization has been found covering an area 600 by 400 metres. Mineralization consists of blebs and narrow stringers of chalcopyrite with malachite and azurite alteration. Grab sample 652 yielded 41.5 grams per tonne silver and 1.21 per cent copper (Assessment Report 20475).

EMPR ASS RPT 6626, *20475
EMPR GEM 1977-E26
GSC MAP 538A; 539A; 37-21; 15-1961; 1738A
GSC OF 481; 637; 1505A; 1565; 1969