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File Created: 02-Feb-2006 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  07-Feb-2006 by Laura deGroot (LDG)

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Name RIDGE, RIDGE VEINS, BURRELL Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E049
Status Showing NTS Map 082E08W
Latitude 049º 28' 33'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 22' 37'' Northing 5481254
Easting 400259
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

An area of siliceous and argillic alteration first recognized in 1989 was found to have a width of 250 metres and a trend which has been followed for 500 metres along strike. The alteration is found within Eocene Coryell Plutonic Suite syenite along splays of a regional fault. A series of northerly trending, narrow pyritic quartz veins, the Ridge Veins, cutting monzonite along a strike of 400 metres along the western contact of the alteration zone analysed between 500 parts per billion and 1.99 grams per tonne gold with minor lead and copper in 7 of 10 rock samples collected (Assessment Report 22015). The Ridge Veins area contains 20 plus individual quartz veins. Some of the veins are found in banded chlorite-silica/feldspar alteration and andesitic volcanics of the Eocene Penticton Group.

The property area was prospected in the early 1900s when the Franklin Camp, to the north, was active; no mineralization was reported east of Burrell Creek, but a number of occurrences were staked in greenstone west of the creek. During 1973 and 1974, the east side of Burrell Creek was opened by logging roads. Prospecting at this time by Walter Buller discovered three areas of mineralization on which he staked small claim blocks. The Shorts and Chewmi claims were staked in September of 1987 by S. Davies. In May and June of 1988 a preliminary program was conducted to locate Buller’s showings, and to assess the geochemistry of the property and its potential for further work. Two of Buller’s showings, WSW (082ESE177) and Burr (082ESE136), were located and sampled. In 1989, a small north-south trending grid was emplaced in the area of the WSW showing and used to conduct VLF-EM and magnetometer surveys and soil samples collected over several anomalous responses. The Annes 1-4 claims were staked in 1990 by D. Coffin and E. Coffin to cover extensions of the anomalies. During reconnaissance traverses the northerly trending Ridge alteration zone was discovered, as was similar alteration adjacent to northerly and northeasterly trending faults seen along St. Annes Creek. The baseline was extended to cross the Ridge alteration and geophysical profiles obtained. In 1991, the grid was expanded and infill lines added and VLF-EM data was collected and further mapping conducted. The Zap showing was discovered during this work. The Ridge Veins were discovered adjacent to the alteration zone, and the LJ showing (082ESE178) relocated. The Dave's and Fault claims were staked in late 1991 by D. Coffin and E. Coffin to cover the extension of a main fault trend, during which time the Switchback zone was discovered. During 1992 prospecting traverses were carried out. In 1993, additional VLF-EM and magnetometer surveys were conducted in addition to soil sampling.

EMPR ASS RPT 3124, 5513, 5514, 5535, 19504, *22015, *22907, 23464