The Jones property covers an area 500 by 1000 metres and was staked to cover a section of intrusive rocks of the Eocene Coryell Plutonic Suite. In 1993, R.T. Henneberry conducted prospecting and sampling.
There is a large variation in the colour and texture of the stone located on the property. The most important is a coarse grained, brown-pink syenite with a mauve hue. The composition is 80 per cent 2-10 millimetre anhedral to subhedral K-feldspar, 10 per cent 2-10 millimetre clear to white plagioclase, 5 per cent quartz and 5 per cent biotite and hornblende. This sample has a marked "liveliness" or radiance. The brown-pink syenite is similar to a Brazilian stone "Sienite Balma". The other stones of lesser importance include: a coarse grained, grey-black gabbro, and a coarse grained, grey-pink granite. The gabbro is more grey than black and is also well broken. The granite is almost halfway between the syenite and gabbro in composition. It has a weak "liveliness" when cut and polished. The final stone located was a fine grained, brown-pink syenite, likely a border phase of the syenite.
The sampling was concentrated primarily on the talus slopes below bluffs and ridges of massive to broken stone. The dominant stone in the talus is the coarse grained, brown-pink syenite, comprising better than 60 per cent of the talus. Approximately 15 per cent of the talus is sized at + 1 metre, suggesting potential for large quarry blocks.