The Cor property is underlain by the Eocene Coryell Plutonic Suite. The stone outcrops as a solid knob more than 1 kilometre in diameter. The southern end of the knob is shear cliffs, while the northern end consists of a series of benches progressing up the slope to the top of the knob. These benches are the main target area for dimension stone. Prospecting and preliminary mapping and sampling was undertaken in 1995 by R.T. Henneberry. The Granby River Road provides access to a short secondary road along the base of the west and northern edge of the knob. The property was staked as a potential source for dimension stone, both polished and structural.
The stone of interest is best described as a red-brown, medium to coarse-grained syenite. The constituents are: 80 per cent red-brown, anhedral to subhedral (2-10 millimetre) K-feldspar; 10 per cent clear to white, anhedral (2-10 millimetre) plagioclase; 5 per cent glassy grey, anhedral (2-5 millimetre) quartz; and 5 per cent black, anhedral (2-5 millimetre) mafics (both biotite and hornblende). No sulphides were noted in the sample. The stone takes a good polish and shows a "radiance" when rolled. The sample is microfractured both interstitially and across the crystal. The stone has a clean, fresh appearance on natural break and seems to weather well on glacial or long exposed faces as no rusting or other deleterious substances were noted. No sulphides were noted in any of the samples, or on the weathered surfaces of any outcrops. No xenoliths were noted in the outcrop exposures. The stone is massive and regularly fractured in outcrop, as the benches progress up the slope. Sustained quarry block production may be possible from this location.