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File Created: 06-Mar-1987 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  22-Jul-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name PBE 18, U 2, U2 Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E008
Status Showing NTS Map 082E01W
Latitude 049º 05' 10'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 26' 54'' Northing 5438039
Easting 394250
Commodities Uranium, Tungsten Deposit Types I15 : Classical U veins
I12 : W veins
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

A unit consisting of sharpstone conglomerate, siltstone, and limestone of the Triassic Brooklyn Formation is overlain by Tertiary andesites (Marron Formation, Penticton Gorup). These are cut by syenite and monzonite (Coryell Intrusions) and are sheared parallel to the northerly trending Granby River Fault, which lies to the east.

A seven metre long rusty zone in the sharpstone conglomerate is radioactive. Uranophane is likely the uranium mineral present. A grab sample assayed 0.049 per cent uranium (Assessment Report 6695).

About 250 metres to the southwest, a quartz vein in syenite contained 11.4 per cent WO3 (Assessment Report 3172).

In 1970 or just prior thereto, Boundary Exploration Limited conducted trenching on their SD claims. In 1971, Cronus Minerals Limited conducted an airborne magnetometer and scintillometer survey over their SD and PBE claims.

In 1977, Consolidated Boundary Exploration Ltd. conducted mapping and collected 4 samples on the U2 claims which covered the old PBE occurrences such as MINFILE 082ESE138, 139, 140, 218 and 219. In 1975, Chinook Construction and Engineering collected 74 rock-chip samples on their Wendy claims in the SD property area. They also conducted a ground radiometric survey. In 1978, Consolidated Boundary conducted a program of stripping, and rock and soil sampling (103 soils). They also conducted 4 kilometres of ground magnetometer and scintillometer surveying.

During 2008 through 2012, Grizzly Discoveries Inc. completed programs of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and ground geophysical surveys on the area as the Attwood area of the Greenwood property.

EMPR ASS RPT *3172, *5585, *6695, 7235
EMPR EXPL 1978-15; 1979-14
EMPR GEM 1971-374
EMPR OF 1990-25; 1991-17
GSC MAP 6-1957
GSC OF 1969
GSC P 69-22
Dufresne, M. (2013-11-10): Technical Report for the Greenwood Gold Project
Dufresne, M. (2013-11-25): Technical Report for the Greenwood Gold Project
EMPR PFD 680024