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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  22-Jul-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 082E2 Cu11
Name GOLD DROP (L.899), GOLD DROP NO. 1, PHOENIX MINE Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E008
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082E02E
Latitude 049º 05' 38'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 35' 12'' Northing 5439105
Easting 384168
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver Deposit Types K01 : Cu skarn
K04 : Au skarn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Gold Drop mine is 750 metres east of the Phoenix pit (082ESE020), between the Victoria (082ESE023) and the Snowshoe (082ESE025) claims, situated to the west and east, respectively. The Rawhide (082ESE026) and Monarch (082ESE027) lie to the south. The Gold Drop claim (Lot 899) was staked by J. Hetu in 1893 and Crown granted to F.C. Innes in 1897. The Gold Drop Mining Company, Limited was incorporated in 1899 to develop the property.

In 1900, the Gold Drop Mining Company Ltd. produced 12 tonnes of ore, yielding 31 grams of gold, 435 grams of silver and 417 kilograms of copper from the Gold Drop. In 1905, the claim was acquired by the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Company, Ltd. Although, production is included with Phoenix, about 1,600,582 tonnes of ore was shipped from the Gold Drop up to the end of 1919, when operations ceased. The property was acquired by R.L. Clothier and Arthur Proctor in 1930 and by W.E. McArthur in the late 1930's. In 1951, Attwood Copper Mines Limited optioned the property.

The Gold Drop mine develops only part of an extensive and practically continuous ore body, which outcrops on the Gold Drop claim, swings down and across the Rawhide and Curlew (082ESE024), and terminates on the Snowshoe claim. The whole, when broadly viewed, has, on a horizontal plan, the form of a compressed crescent with northward trending horns, broken by the occurrence of the detached ore body of the Gold Drop No. 1 and the north body of the Snowshoe. The ore body rests on a floor of sharpstone beds and in the Gold Drop proper there is an entire absence of Brooklyn limestone and Tertiary intrusives. The ore body of the Gold Drop proper is developed in the southeast part of the Gold Drop, and the northeast part of the Monarch claim. The strike varies from 013 degrees to 032 degrees, with an easterly dip, which averages about 40 degrees, but flattens to about 25 degrees below the level of the Monarch drift.

The known length of the ore body along the strike of the Monarch drift is over 320 metres, and its width to the boundary of the claim is about 96 metres. The thickness probably averages about 9 metres, the diamond drill logs showing a range from 2 to 17 metres.

See Phoenix for additional details on development, geology and mineralization in the area.

EMPR AR 1894-756,map after 758; 1896-578,581; 1897-575,582,593;
1898-1123; 1899-771; 1900-870,878; 1901-1051,1062,1063; 1902-174,
183; 1905-176; 1906-160,250; 1907-110,114,215; 1909-133; 1910-122;
1911-175; 1912-167,171,175-178; 1913-161,166,170; 1914-339;
1915-189; 1916-258; 1917-202; 1918-208,220; 1927-235; 1930-223;
1935-A25; 1938-A34; 1939-36; 1940-24; 1941-24,61; 1946-136;
1965-170; 1966-194; 1967-227; 1968-231
EMPR BULL 101, p. 236, Appendix 6
EMPR GEM 1974-34-35
EMPR MR MAP 6 (1932)
EMPR OF 1990-25
EMPR P 1986-2; 1989-3, pp. 41-43, 99
EMPR PF (See Phoenix 082ESE020)
EMR MP CORPFILE (The Granby Mining Company Limited; Attwood Copper
Mines Limited)
GSC MAP *16A; 828; 45-20A; 6-1957; 10-1967; 1500A; 1736A
GSC MEM *21, pp. 11,15,57,71,81-83
GSC OF 481; 637; 1969
GSC P 45-20A; 67-42; 79-29
GSC SUM RPT 1902, pp. 90-116
CIM Transactions Vol. 59 (1956), pp. 384-394
Basque, Garnet (1992): Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of the Boundary
Country; Sunfire Publications Limited, pp. 82-115
Ball, M. (2017-01-26): Technical Report on the Greenwood Area Property
Cowley, P. (2017-06-02): Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment on
the Greenwood Precious Metals Project