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File Created: 10-Aug-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  24-Aug-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name HEADWATER 2-4, AMARILLO, NORTH COPPER Mining Division Osoyoos, Similkameen
BCGS Map 082E071
Status Showing NTS Map 082E13W
Latitude 049º 47' 30'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 119º 59' 23'' Northing 5519744
Easting 284830
Commodities Copper, Silver, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Headwater 2-4 (North Copper) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1600 metres on a north-facing slope, west of Greata Creek and approximately 2.3 kilometres south-southeast of the Headwater Lakes.

The area is underlain by granodiorite of the Lower Jurassic Pennask Batholith. Outcrops of Triassic-Jurassic Nicola Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks occur to the east. The Middle Jurassic Osprey Lake Intrusions occur to the south.

Locally, a strongly fractured and limonite-hematite-stained granodiorite(?) hosts 1 to 2 per cent chalcopyrite in fractures and minor disseminations associated with fine- to coarse-grained magnetite as blebs and disseminations. Minor epidote is also reported along with minor malachite staining.

In 2017, two rock samples (1751901 and 1751902) from the occurrence assayed 0.431 and 0.490 per cent copper with 5.7 and 4.5 grams per tonne silver, respectively (Assessment Report 38112).

In 2019, a rock sample (1069518) from the occurrence assayed 0.127 per cent copper, whereas another rock sample (1069519) from a 0.25-metre wide rusty quartz vein, striking 142 degrees and dipping 78 degrees, hosting bands and clots of molybdenite in a silicified granodiorite, located approximately 1 kilometre south-southwest of the occurrence, yielded 0.432 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 38807).

Work History

In 2016, Troubadour Resources Inc. completed an exploration program of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and a 39.5-line kilometre ground magnetic survey on the area as the Amarillo property.

In late 2017 and early 2018, Troubadour Resources Inc. completed a program of prospecting, geochemical (water, rock and soil) sampling and a 50.3 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the property.

In 2019, Troubadour Resources Inc. completed a program of geochemical (rock, soil and water) sampling and four diamond drill holes, totalling 1341.0 metres, on the Amarillo property.

EMPR ASS RPT 36964, *38112, *38807, 39227, 39915
EMPR EXPL 1978-E38; 1979-46
EMPR OF 1989-5; 1994-8
GSC MAP 538A; 15-1961; 1701A; 1712A; 1713A; 1714A; 1736A;7686G; 8522G
GSC OF 409; 736; 1969