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File Created: 12-May-2018 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  20-Jun-2018 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name MIKE, DEVIL 10, RED DEVIL 1 Mining Division Vernon
BCGS Map 082E098
Status Showing NTS Map 082E15E
Latitude 049º 59' 32'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 31' 33'' Northing 5538881
Easting 390633
Commodities Silver, Lead, Zinc, Gold Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Mike (Devil 10) occurrence is located in the southern head waters of Mike Creek, a tributary of Stutell Creek and approximately 8.7 kilometres southeast of Bisson Lake.

The area is underlain by granite and granodiorite of the Jurassic Nelson Plutonic suite.

Locally, a fractured, medium- grained granite adjacent to a lamprophyre (minette) dike with minor quartz veinlets hosts trace pyrite and minor limonite.

In 1984, a rock sample (MR-14) assayed 30.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 13061). In 2007, a rock sample (DVLR-161) assayed 0.464 per cent lead, 0.268 per cent zinc, 0.31 gram per tonne gold and greater than 100 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 29887).

In 1984, Val d’Or Explorations completed a program of rock and silt sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Mike 1-5 claims. During 2007 through 2009, Kootenay Gold completed programs of prospecting and geochemical sampling the area as the Devil property.

EMPR ASS RPT *13061, 29347, *29887, 30164, 31195
EMPR OF 1991-18; 1994-8
EMPR RGS 082L, 1976; 32, 1991
GSC MAP 1059A; 7216G; 8501G
GSC OF 637(#345)
GSC P 91-2, pp. 115-135